ERGOTHERAPIE - Manja Schulze

Branche: Gesundheitswesen

Hauptstraße 182, 02739, Kottmar, DEU


The provided text appears to be the website footer or "Impressum" section of a German company called "Therapiezentrum Landmannsheim". It outlines their legal disclaimers, contact information for different branches, and links to other sections of the website. Here's a breakdown of the key sections: **Legal Disclaimer:** * **Disclaimer Section:** Follows standard legal language common in online platforms, stating they are not responsible for content on linked sites, have no obligation to monitor user-generated content, and will remove reported illegal content promptly. * **Copyright:** States that content on their site is protected by copyright, and permission is required for reuse. They also claim to respect third-party copyrights and ask users to report any violations. * **Data Privacy:** Explains that personal data is only collected when voluntarily provided and will not be shared without consent. Acknowledges security limitations of online data transfer. * **Spam Prevention:** Explicitly prohibits unsolicited advertising and reserves the right to take legal action against spammers. **Contact Information:** The text provides multiple branches for the company: * **Therapiezentrum Landmannsheim (main branch):** * Address: Hauptstraße 82, 02791 Oderwitz * Phone: 035842 413770 * Fax: 035842 140888 * **Ergotherapie (occupational therapy):** * Address: Hauptstraße 182, 02739 Eibau * Phone: 03586 368473 * Fax: 03586 3688789 * Mobile: 0163 6644040 * **Logopädie (speech therapy):** * Address: Hauptstraße 166, 02739 Eibau * Phone: 03586 4088833 * Fax: 03586 3688789 **Links:** * Contact * Datenschutz (Data Protection) * Impressum (Legal Notice) * Fotos (Photos) **Footer:** The footer includes copyright information, web design credit ("CARA WEBB"), and social media links (Facebook and Instagram).



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