Ergotherapie ptv Sachsen in Olbersdorf

Branche: Gesundheitswesen

Schulweg 13, 02785, Olbersdorf, DEU


This appears to be the HTML source code for a newsletter or webpage from a German non-profit organization called "Psychosozialer Trägerverein Sachsen e.V." Here's a breakdown of what it contains: **1. Header:** * **Newsletter Subscription:** A message about subscribing to their newsletter, mentioning data processing and the privacy policy link. * **Acceptance of Privacy Policy:** A prompt for users to accept the privacy policy before proceeding. **2. Organization Information:** * **Name:** Psychosozialer Trägerverein Sachsen e.V. * **Address:** Fetscherstraße 32/34, 01307 Dresden, Germany * **Phone Number:** +49 (0)3 51 - 31 46 99 80 **3. Navigational Links (Wegweiser):** * Links categorized by target groups: * Betroffene (Affected individuals) * Angehörige (Relatives) * Jugendliche (Young people) * Kostenträger (Funders/Insurance providers) * Partner (Partners) * Mitarbeiter*innen (Staff) **4. Service & Program Links:** * Links categorized by service: * Beratung (Counseling) * Arbeit & Beschäftigung / Tagesstruktur (Work & Employment/Daily Structure) * Therapie & Pflege (Therapy & Care) * Wohnen (Housing) * Begleitung in der eigenen Häuslichkeit (Support at home) * Projekte und Fortbildungen (Projects and Training) **5. Additional Links:** * **Start:** Homepage link * **Kontakt:** Contact information * **Das Leitbild:** Mission Statement * **Satzung:** Statutes * **Stellenanzeigen:** Job postings * **Praktikum / Ehrenamt / Freiwilligendienst:** Internship/Volunteering opportunities * **Newsletter abonnieren:** Newsletter subscription * **Datenschutzerklärung:** Privacy Policy * **Impressum:** Legal notice * **Login:** Login area (possibly for members or staff) * **Tochterfirmen:** Subsidiary companies * **Stiftung Ariadnefaden:** Information about a related foundation **6. Social Media Links:** * Links to Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram profiles. **7. Donation Information:** * A call to donate with a link to an online donation platform (Spendenbank) * Bank account details for direct transfers Let me know if you have any specific questions about this HTML code or the organization itself.



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